
Who will you meet at our Booklovers Festival this June?

Joe Dolce

Diamond Valley Library
Wednesday 2 June

JOE DOLCE has held the record for the most successful Australian produced single recording in Australian music history, Shaddap You Face, for three decades and has had a diverse range of his award-winning songs including Gift from One Iraqi Child, Marching With Martin Luther King Jr, Hill of Death, and My Home Ain’t in the Hall of Fame, recorded by over fifty international artists.

Since 1969, he has been interested in the relationship between poetry and music and has transformed more than 100 poems into songs, including works by Sappho, Sylvia Plath, CP Cafavy, Langston Hughes, Judith Wright, and Dylan Thomas. He is the co-creator with author, Lin Van Hek, of the unique literary performance group, DifficultWomen.

In his inaugural collection of stand-alone poetry, Joe Dolce explores the themes of death of parents, loss of childhood and early love, solitude, spiritual enquiry and changing eroticism. Tempered with humourous reflections on blowflies, baldness and Bob Dylan, these fifty poems introduce a major new poetic voice.

Booking required: phone Diamond Valley library on 9434 3809, or book online at

Books by Joe Dolce will be available for sale and signing.

Joe is one of fourteen guests at the YPRL live reads Booklovers festival. Check out the brochure on this site, or at one of the libraries for a full menu of literacy feasting.


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